Saturday 9 April 2011

Post- Production

Above is the clip of our rough cut of the opening sequence to "Forest that Lives". We are pleased with the outcome of our footage, however before a final cut is made we have decided as a group to watch over the footage and edit any issues of continuity that we have now discovered. We will also use this rough cut to gain feedback from our target audience in terms of what we need to do to gain that horror genre that we aim for. The rough cut shows a final outcome of the visuals, in which we have carefully edited and have proven a success in terms of different shots. Watching the rough cut has made us see the fast paced nature of our opening sequence, but at times we thought some lengthly footage of merely the surroundings extracts from the fast paced nature. In this case, we will cut out some of the lengthly footage before our final cut so that the tense atmosphere remains throughout. Overall, we are pleased with the rough cut and feel that with music and some final aspects of editing we would have produced a successful opening sequence.

Before editing we logged our rushes so that it would be easier and more organised in terms of choosing the footage we were going to use. Below I have inserted a copy of our logging rushes.

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