After initially watching the rushes, we were pleased with how our final footage turned out. Therefore we booked the editing suite and began logging rushes. Although, after logging all of our rushes, this was the stage at which as a group we decided to shoot alot of our footage again. With this in mind, many of our logged rushes became irrelevant and time became limited. We logged the rushes in table format with seven different columns, making it easily identifiable and straight forward.
Beyond doing this, we went through the footage and constructed a rough cut of the visuals, alternating between the two video tracks again making the editing process easier. We alternated between the group members to ensure that all of us could have a go on the editing suite, and as a rough cut we were pleased with the outcome. We did have some issues of continuity, such as the lighting in many of the shots. Some shots went from very light then to immediately very dark, something which as a group we werent happy with. To solve this, we added short shots in the places where lighting changed, making the difference less obvious to the audience.
After adding transistions between each shot on our rough cut and making it visually pleasing, we added the title at the beginning of the piece and credits at the end. To fit with the mood and tone of the piece, we wanted simple titles consisting of a plain black background with white captial letters. this gave no distraction to the mood we wanted to acheive when watching the piece. Similarly to create a more intense mood, we searched for some appropriate eerie music to add to the opening titles. When we found our chosen music, we added it to the audio track, fading up and down between the shots at the opening of the piece and the end.
By doing this we acheived the genre and mood that we aimed for when planning the preliminary task and we are all pleased with the final outcome.
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