Thursday, 3 February 2011

Choosing your genre

The above table I found on, and it shows the top grossing films of all time in the U.S. By looking at the titles of the films, five out of the top ten films are Sci Fi. This includes Avatar, Star Wars, E.T, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, and Spider-Man. When looking at these films individually and in the context of producing an opening sequence in that genre, Sci Fi would be very difficult to establish the different conventions in order to make the genre clear within the first couple of minutes.

Alot of the above films are adventure, which also would be hard to differenciate because to make it look realistic and effective, the opening sequence would need to be fast paced as adventure and action films are. Aside these genres,  the only other was animation, which for us, would be virtually impossible.

Therefore, I researched genres that I thought would be approachable as media students to address and make look effective as an opening sequence. These included Romantic Comedy, Horror, Comedy, Crime or Musicals. To get a further look at these remaining genres, we devised a questionnaire that we gave out to people of different age groups.


Our questionnaire consisted of the following questions:
1. What is your favourite film genre and why?
2. What is your favourite film and what genre what you categorise it under?
3. What do you expect to see in an opening sequence?
4. Is there a genre you would like to see more of?
5. What makes you interested in a film?
6. What is your gender?
7. What is your age?

From gaining the results of the questionnaire, a common answer for a popular genre of film was horror/thriller. Therefore we compared our results of the questionnaire to our independant research of genres, and discovered there was a need in the market for thriller/horror films. As a group we took this into consideration, and beyond thinking of initial ideas for this genre, we decided this is the way we would head.

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