Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience would be teenagers and young adults, perhaps between the ages of 17- 25. I think this age group would be appropriate because the fear is evoked in very mysterious things throughout the film, aspects that perhaps an adult wouldn't find as scary. I think to find a film like ours frightening you have to have a sense of naivety to your character. However any younger than 16 would find it too frightening, therefore the distribution aspects should be aimed at the older teenager. The idea of watching a film with the intention to evoke fear and get scared appeals to this age group; whereas the older age groups do not appeal to the idea of watching a film to get scared. We want to attract an audience who are aware of the typical conventions of horror.

This is Tony. He is 19 years old and studying physical education at university. Tony has always been someone who is on track with his grades and popular with other students and teachers. When he isn't studying, Tony enjoys renting films from blockbuster and going to the cinema with his friends and on the rare occasion, his girlfriend. People call Tony lazy, he is forever sitting infront of the television and always the first to tell people about a new trailer. Tony is a person who loves to impress- he is forever the class clown and grabbing the attention of all. Although he can be quite loud and disruptive, Tony also likes going to the pub for a quiet drink with the boys. After watching a film, Tony will be the first to tell all of his opinion.

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